Our Services

From strategy development to project management and delivery of your digital objectives, Douglas Digital will be your guide to help you navigate the myriad of digital fulfilment options available to you from suppliers all around the globe.

We help you select and manage the options best placed to deliver your business goals, customise them and help you maintain your new digital competitive advantage securely into the future.

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Digital MarkeTING

"Reach real prospects"

Typically the first step in a "digital customer journey", it's an opportunity for you to make a good first impression and develop new client relationships.

Digital Marketing connects your business with people looking for your products and services online. Its purpose is to deliver leads to your sales team or your digital sales facility at a cost that supports your business growth targets.

It's also an opportunity to qualify your leads, enabling your sales team to spend most of their time converting new business.

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Digital Sales

"Click, tap,... sold!"

Usually the second step in a "digital customer journey". Qualified leads, often referred by Digital Marketing, are enticed to visit your "Online shop" or "Ecommerce funnel".

Here, prospects can view the details of your product or service, choose delivery options, customise it, get a price and buy it. 

Payments are made conveniently with Credit/Debit cards or digital services like PayPal, Apple or Google Pay. This is followed instantly with access to your digital services.

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Digital Services

"Keep'em coming back for more"

Generally the third and final step, Digital services provide a win-win opportunity to lower operating costs and build customer loyalty.

Customers get access to your digital product or service if you have one, or details of a physical purchase and delivery tracking information. Other "self-services" are often provided, like re-order facilities, increasing capacity in your operations teams.

An engaging experience delights customers, keeping them coming back for more.

A framework for success
Years Digital Marketing Experience
Years Digital Sales Experience
Years Digital Customer Services experience